How Best Buddies increased YoY revenue by 30% with SMS marketing
Learn how Best Buddies ran top-performing SMS marketing campaigns that boosted conversion rates by 131% – and how you can, too.
Join Best Buddies' Director of Friendship Walks, Trevor Paxton, and Whispir's VP of Americas, David Gilbert, as they discuss:
How Best Buddies increased donations by 500% with Whispir SMS
With Whispir, Best Buddies now sees a 6-10% click-through rate, as opposed to the 1.4- to 1.8% found via traditional email sends.
How to create successful SMS campaigns that boost conversion rates by 131%
Best Buddies is able to craft meaningful messaging en masse that speaks directly to each individual recipient and garners higher response rates.
How to leverage personalization to boost engagement and reach
Recipients receive personalized links, event information, incentives, on-demand access to promotional videos, and more.
How SMS is low-cost and nets unrivaled ROI
Thanks to the low-costs associated with SMS, Best Buddies is seeing regional teams request to move marketing funds directly into SMS outreach. They've also overcome low email engagement by sending more than 481,349 text messages in just four months.
How to garner above-average conversion rates
Compared to the national average of just 2.35%, Best Buddies has seen a 2.82% average donor conversion rate, with their top 10% SMS sends converting at an impressive 11.45%.
And much more